Jun. 25, 2021 / Press Release

HARRISBURG – Rep. Abby Major (R-Armstrong/Indiana/Butler) today issued the following statement in response to the House passing a Fiscal Year 2021-22 state budget supporting core government services:

“As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic that fiscally hurt many Pennsylvania families and businesses, I’m pleased to support a 2021-22 state budget that does not increase taxes on our hardworking residents. In addition, we are putting more than $2.5 billion into the Rainy Day Fund. This deposit will grow the fund to $2.76 billion. If 2020 taught us anything, it is that we need to be prepared for the unexpected.

“In addition to a fiscally responsible budget, the plan creates a Bureau of Election Audit in the Auditor General’s Office. This bureau will conduct results-confirming audits of each election by the third Friday following the election. This will instill confidence in the results, which has been previously lacking. Furthermore, if errors or deficiencies are discovered, the bureau will create a corrective action plan.

“While I have only been in office for a few short weeks, I’m pleased to be able to support a budget that sets us on the path for a bright future.”

The 60th Legislative District includes Bethel, Boggs, Burrell, Cadogan, East Franklin, Gilpin, Kiskiminetas, Kittanning, Manor, North Buffalo, Rayburn, South Bend, South Buffalo, Valley and West Franklin townships and the boroughs of Applewold, Ford City, Ford Cliff, Freeport, Kittanning, Manorville, North Apollo, West Kittanning and Worthington in Armstrong County; Buffalo and Winfield townships in Butler County and Blacklick, Conemaugh and Young townships in Indiana County.

Representative Abby Major
60th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tracy Polovick
